Posted by: Pearl Facial Aesthetics Clinic | February 1, 2009

Dental Hygienist Services at Pearl Dental Practice and Beauty Salon, Dublin 2

A Dental Hygienist visist keeps teeth in tip-top shape
A Dental Hygienist visit keeps teeth in tip-top shape

Probably the most undervalued and abused member of the dental team, both by dentists and patients, Dental Hygienists have a hard life, as many dentists use them as a depository for all the patients and work they don’t want themselves, and many patients don’t quite understand their role when they’re sent to see them.

In our world here at Pearl Dental, Dublin 2, our hygienist, Joann, is considered a vital part of our dental team, and helps maintain optimum oral health for our patients, as well as ensuring that complex restorations are cleaned and maintained as they should be, for maximum lifespan. One of the most important tasks that a dental hygienist undertakes is the treatment of gum disease and the maintenance of the gum health thereafter. If you have bleeding gums, or find that your dentist spends only a couple of minutes cleaning your teeth at your check-up visit, it’s probably time to see the hygienist to find out what a properly clean mouth feeels like.

That smile needs care. Your hygienist is the ideal person to provide it.

That smile needs care. Your hygienist is the ideal person to provide it.

If you want a clean, healthy mouth, perfect oral hygiene, and immaculately kissable breath, a hygienist should become one of your best friends, as she will be able to advise you on the most appropriate oral hygiene techniques for your mouth, will clean your teeth more diligently, and more thoroughly than the majority of dentists, and should take a personal interest in you becoming a paragon of oral health. She is generally able to treat the majority of cases of gum disease, and you can see her as often as you wish to maintain that perfect smile, without having to see the dentist every time.

Also, check this post for more information on gum disease:

If you get into knots with floss, drink mouthwash as an aperitif, and use interdental brushes to clean your ears, you need a visit to the hygienist ASAP!

Visit the dental hygienist for perfect oral hygiene

Visit the hygienist to learn the best hygiene techniques for your mouth

Our hygienist, Joann, is available Wednesdays and Fridays in our studio on Nassau Street, and will gently, but thoroughly, clean and polish your mouth, and coax you into better oral hygiene habits. She is also appreciated by us dentists too, as she can clean a mouth better than any of us are able!


  1. I completely agree, oral health should be a very important part of our lifestyle….

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